Memories live on
A number of the city's most unique, loved and fascinating buildings are located in the areas affected by the changes; several of which are listed buildings. Like their surrounding areas, they have been documented extensively prior to their phasing out.

The phasing out process must be carried out with utmost respect and understanding. To change these areas places great demands on us. We must work in a sustainable manner and economise with cultural environments, which means that we must attempt to preserve the ideology and cultural environments to as great an extent as possible. Changes must always be made with a generous dose of consideration.
Before changes can be made to the area, areas and buildings must be documented in accordance with requirements set by the county administrative board and the municipality. A demolition permit can only be issued once adequate documentation has been produced.
Memories preserved in text, photographs and film
LKAB is financing and running an extensive documentation project in cooperation with the municipalities as part of its compensation to the community. Through photographs, films, books and models, the environments and memories live on, though in a new version.
Bolagshotellet, the Ullspiran district and Hjalmar Lundbohmsgården are examples of buildings and areas depicted in books, films and pictures in order to preserve memories for future generations.
39 byggnader flyttas
A large part of the urban area affected has cultural and historical value. LKAB and the municipality have therefore come to an agreement that the company is responsible for preserving certain buildings. The church and Hjalmar Lundbohmsgården, for example, are to be moved. Kiruna Church is perhaps the town’s most characteristic building; it was completed in 1912 as a gift from LKAB to the parish.
In an agreement with the municipality, LKAB has undertaken to move upwards of 39 buildings in what encompasses the area affected by the Kiruna mine at the 1,365 metre level.
Buildings that has been moved or to be moved
- Arbetarbostaden B5
- 3 Bläckhorn
- Ingenjörsvillan
- Länsmansbostaden
- Hjalmar Lundbohmsgården
- Gula raden
- 4 stycken 16-rums arbetarbostäder
- 5 stycken SJ-byggnader
- Pekinghuset
- Landströms
- Frälsningsarmén
- Gamla brandstationen
- Gamla sjukstugan
- Kyrkoherdebostaden
- 5 hus från Björkbacken
- Rundradiostationen
- Kiruna kyrka
- Jerusalem
- Svedbergshuset
- 4 småhus ritade av Carl Westman
- B226
- Cementgjutaren
- Skomakarstugan
Retelling the buildings' history
The process takes time and there are many aspects to take into account. An architectural conservator goes over the drawings and reviews details such as flooring, walls, wallpaper and so on. An investigation is also launched into what has happened with the building from its erection to present day. An ethnologist looks at the human perspective, i.e., who lived in the building and what activities took place.
LKAB has close cooperation with Norrbottens museum, Arkitekten AB and Historiska Hus in Umeå. The projects always include an architectural conservator who leads the work together with an ethnologist and a photographer.