Moving is a major readjustment that it's not easy to put a price on. We have the greatest respect for the fact that rational arguments will come up against feelings and we intend to do our utmost to do what's right. That's why those of you who are concerned will be compensated. Here you'll find out if you are concerned, when and how.
Tidplan för köp och flytt i Malmberget
Prognos för LKAB:s industristängsel i Malmberget
Here you will find the most common questions and answers regarding our process for selling and moving.
Yes, as far as it can be. If conditions change, the timetables will of course have to be adjusted but the aim is to be able to work according to the timetables we have today.
Check if you are concerned at “Time to move”, where you can find out if and, if so, when you will have to move.
Time to move Malmberget
Time to move Kiruna
No. LKAB only compensates people who have to move due to its mining operations.
Check if your shop and business are concerned at “Time to move”, where you can find out if and, if so, when you will have to move.
Time to move Malmberget
Time to move Kiruna
The mine and the surrounding area are monitored by an extensive system of geophones located underground and metering equipment placed above ground. Factors that affect the movement of the ground include the shape of the ore body, how we plan to mine it, what the bedrock that is affected looks like and how the actual ground movement spreads.
People living in a tenant-owner apartment are compensated with a sum of money. LKAB’s offer is made up of two parts. The compensation is an amount per square metre of living space that corresponds to the square metre price for a newly built tenant-owner apartment in Malmfälten and an additional amount based on individual assessment of the condition and standard of the present apartment.
This allows the association’s members to choose between buying a newly built tenant-owner apartment in Malmfälten with the money they get from LKAB or doing what they want with the money. It’s important for us that the individual can choose to move to a new home.
Read more about private housing cooperative owners’ compensation here.
The urban transformation has gained momentum, and several major projects have already been completed. These changes are not new, and knowledge about the extent of the ore body has existed for a long time. Below, you will find all the projects being carried out in our communities.