Several players collaborate
Many parties need to be involved to carry through the urban changes. Collaboration with the local authorities is crucial to success but many more players are involved.
The municipalities are responsible for urban planning and for ensuring that legislation such as the Planning and Building Act and the Swedish Environmental Code is complied with. They have a monopoly on planning new urban districts and deciding how the communities should look. Before any physical changes to the communities may take place – such as demolition or the removal of buildings, new construction or laying new roads – both general planning and more detailed planning must be carried out.
The municipalities also have responsibility to build infrastructure like power lines, water pipes and drains and to plan in such a way that land that is ready to build on is available when it is needed. Government authorities such as the County Administrative Board, the Swedish Transport Administration and the National Property Board are all involved. There are also many other parties, not least construction companies, who are interested in being a part of building up the new communities.
Kiruna municipality
Kiruna Municipality and LKAB are two of the parties carrying out the urban transformation in Kiruna. Read more about the urban transformation in Kiruna on Kiruna Municipality’s website.
Big common challenges
I samhällena berörs bland annat fastighetsägare, hyresgäster, näringsliv och föreningar av förändringarna. Det pågår även viktiga samråd med samebyarna. De som berörs har ett ansvar att delta i de dialoger och processer som måste till innan beslut fattas. Många intressen vägs ständigt samman. Kommunerna och LKAB måste med brett stöd från befolkningen, förena en framtidsinriktad samhällsomvandling där ansvar tas för LKAB och orternas framtid.
LKAB plays a central role and together with the municipalities is deeply involved in the change processes. We measure the impact that mining has constantly and have a responsibility to find good solutions for all concerned in a safe and secure manner. LKAB also owns real estate in the communities and manages the residential areas while they still exist. And last but not least we are paying for the transformation in both places.
Gällivare municipality
Malmberget will gradually be transformed in four stages over a period of almost 20 years. This was decided by Gällivare Municipality and LKAB in a collaboration agreement signed on 10 April 2012. Read more about the urban transformation in Malmberget/Gällivare on Gällivare Municipality’s website.
From mining to moving
1. LKAB’s underground mining
When iron ore is mined the ground subsides as the ore is removed from the mine.
2. Ground movements
LKAB uses GPS technology to measure the movement of the ground.
3. Agreement between LKAB and the municipalities
LKAB and the municipalities agree on how to make the transformations and who is responsible for what.
4. LKAB acquires the buildings
LKAB compensates those affected by the ground movements with money, a new home or new business premises in good time before ground movements reach the locality.
5. The municipalities alter their local plans to industrial area
Before LKAB is given a permit to mine iron ore in a large area, the municipalities have to alter their local plans from residential and commercial area to industrial area.
6. New construction
As the changes take place construction at the location begins to pick up speed. Homes are built along with water pipes, drains, power lines and other infrastructure.
7. Moving to new areas
More homes mean that the people living in Malmfälten have more choice when both new and older homes become available.
8. LKAB demolishes the buildings and turns the areas into parks
As the people move out and the buildings are pulled down, the areas are turned into green spaces that everyone can use.