Ongoing in the urban transformation 2019
Changes in the municipalities of Gällivare and Kiruna are evident. Here are several milestones in urban transformation during the year.
New residential areas are emerging, while many buildings are being demolished. In many places preparatory work for new roads and other infrastructure, as well as planning of new areas, is under way. At the same time, decommissioned areas will be redesignated as land for industrial use. In both locations, dialogue with property owners concerning compensation for properties affected by LKAB’s mining activities is ongoing.
What’s happening in Kiruna?
- LKAB begins construction of about 100 rental units at Luossavaara during the year. These will mainly be LKAB Fastigheter’s residential properties.
- Riksbyggen begins construction of 47 units in the Fjällvyn housing cooperative on the slopes of Luossavaara. They will also begin the second phase of the Fjällblicken housing cooperative, with a further 47 cooperative housing units to go on the market in April.
- LKAB is doing ground and infrastructure work in preparation for future development of the Jägarskolan site.
- LKAB is beginning construction of about 60 dwellings in quarter 4 of Kiruna’s new city centre.
- LKAB begins construction of quarters 7, 8 and 9 in Kiruna’s new city centre, which will include commercial, office and residential space and parking facilities.
- Arbetarbostaden B5 and the three so-called Bläckhorn houses that have been moved to Luossavaara will be renovated during autumn.
- Hjalmar Lundbohmsgården, a heritage building, is being inspected to determine the extent of the need for renovation and work is expected to begin.
- The so-called Ingenjörsvillan, rebuilt for use as an LKAB conference and training centre with overnight accommodation, will be ready for occupancy in late autumn.
- LKAB, the Municipality of Kiruna and the County Administrative Board of Norrbotten are determining which buildings are to be relocated and preserved as national heritage sites.
- The first phase of construction of Highway E10 between Karhuniemi and Kurravaaravägen continues.
- The old city hall and Bolagshotellet will be demolished in the spring and early summer. The former site of the buildings will be landscaped during the autumn.
- The railway tunnel at Tuolluvaara will be decommissioned during the summer to allow construction of the new section of Hwy E10.
- Planning for construction of the New Bolagshotell at Luossavaara begins.
- Several heritage buildings are being prepared for relocation, which is expected to take place in late autumn.
- Development of parkland within the mine city park is ongoing.
- Planning for a new police station in the new centre of Kiruna has begun.
What’s happening in Gällivare/Malmberget?
- Riksbyggen begins construction of Midnattssolen housing cooperative, which will include 40 cooperative housing units at Repisvaara Norra in Gällivare.
- About 300 residential units at Repisvaara Nordväst and Nordost will be ready for occupancy, and 60 apartments at Repisvaara Södra will be completed by the autumn.
- At Repisvaara Mitt about 120 small homes will be built and development of the area will be completed during the autumn.
- Planning of ground and infrastructure for the construction of about 50 homes on the west side of Repisvaara is under way.
- Decommissioning and demolition of buildings in Malmberget is ongoing.
- Residents are now moving into the 100 newly built cooperative housing units at Forsbacken.
- Five heritage buildings will be moved from Poitakvägen to Koskullskulle during the summer.
- An additional five heritage buildings will be moved to Repisvaara Nordost. These five heritage buildings are Gruvfogdebostaden, the two so-called English barracks and the two Pepparkakshusen (gingerbread houses), all of which are currently in Malmberget.