For those who are affected

View the timeplan for when it's time to sell and move, get information specific to various stakeholders, and learn about our compensation principles. We are here to support you throughout the process.

Bilden visar tidsplanen för flytt av Kiruna centrum och närliggande områden.

Kiruna and Malmberget

Timetable for selling and moving

Moving is a significant transition. We respect that rational arguments meet emotions, and we want to do our utmost to do right by everyone. Therefore, those affected will receive compensation. Here, you will find out if you are affected, when, and how.

Practical information for various target groups

We understand that each property owner has their unique needs and challenges in the urban transformation. Here, we offer targeted guidance for you as home owner, tenant, rental property owner, or representative of a business or organisation.

Compensation for those affected

In 2015, LKAB's board made decisions on how we will compensate property owners, residents, and business owners who will be affected in the future.

Ground movement

Mining creates movements in the rock that affect the surroundings. As mining occurs at greater depths, the land and the surrounding communities are affected.